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The FastBridge Fast Growth Story: From Startup to $10M

The FastBridge Fast Growth Story: From Startup to $10M

Hitting on all cylinders requires focus and intention. Terri Soutor, CEO of FastBridge, recognized that early on and chose dedicated partners who had a great idea and, through amazing service, could deliver high value to their target clients. This approach scaled...
Seizing Lessons to Be Better

Seizing Lessons to Be Better

With challenge and uncertainty comes an opportunity for creativity and inventive thinking — if you push through your fear and frustration and take action! Happy New Year! At the end of 2020, I took a hiatus from writing as I focused on my final, successful transition...
Act Now to Reduce the Burdens on Working Women

Act Now to Reduce the Burdens on Working Women

The analysis on the pandemic’s impact on working women continues to weigh on my mind. This crisis is disproportionately impacting working women, and business leaders who wish to grow and thrive in the future simply must say “No, that’s not going to fly.” As a business...
Improve Gender Equity and Earnings

Improve Gender Equity and Earnings

In a matter of weeks, women have lost nearly a decade’s worth of progress towards closing the gender wage gap. The culprit is coronavirus. Fractured leadership, inconsistent guidance, and politically motivated decisions have made a terrible situation worse. The...